About MSC

Specialist in monitoring systems and people

Since 1982 I have been developing and implementing software and securing networks and complex computer systems for banks, large businesses and government institutions. Via Michiel Spaans Consultancy I work for organisations such as ABN AMRO, the Tax and Customs Administration and the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Economic Affairs. Through proactive monitoring I am able to ensure minimal downtime and optimally functioning networks and computer systems.

Monitoring people with WSS

I am leading the way in the discovery and application of new technologies and am keen to fulfil a connecting role. My enthusiasm and creativity means that I am attuned to the possibilities and quickly establish relationships between people, between technologies and between people and technology. This is also how the Wearable Sensory System came about: a unique system that is oriented around the proactive monitoring of people.

From ultra thin cable to idea

In April 2015 Maurice Felten from Felten Wire & Cable Solutions showed me an ultra thin cable. It ended up in the drawer of my desk until I noticed it a couple of months later and had an idea. At that time I was in contact with an American producer of breathalyser tests and started wondering: “What would happen if I used this cable to allow communication between sensors in and on clothing and a control centre or person that was monitoring people for medical or safety reasons?”

Goal: to grow old more healthily

The future WSS will serve a social purpose in that it will allow people to grow old more healthily. It measures and checks the health for people at home and during sport and work so that the alarm can be sounded immediately in life-threatening situations. WSS also generates precise analyses of a person’s general, physical health. This provides a basis for supervising patients, athletes, military personnel and aid workers and provides them with specific advice on how to live longer and more healthily.

Sinuss, hardware developer and management

“We came into contact with MS Consultancy a year ago. Chiel asked us, as a specialist electronics company, for our opinion of the WSS. Since then we have started to become involved in the thought processes and project approach for the necessary hardware and controls. It is a fun project, certainly because the cooperation with MS Consultancy is enjoyable and Chiel is open to our input and ideas.”
Erik van der Horst | Director | Sinuss

Would you like more information about WSS?

See how the body sensor works, development of the prototype and videos. You can also call us on +31 (0)6 – 17 67 81 88.

Do you have any questions about WSS?

Please call +31 (0)6 – 17 67 81 88 or send us an email.

Strong points of WSS

✓ wearable sensor system
✓ measures numerous bodily values
✓ monitors environmental factors
✓ easy to expand
✓ accurate data analyses
✓ total insight into condition
✓ a healthier, longer life